Sunday, February 27, 2011

My First Etsy Treasury

I asked myself, "Ashlee, what is the next step for promoting my Art and hopefully helping promote some other wonderful creative folk from Etsy?" Then it hit me, create your own Treasury on Etsy!

And yes, my thought process looks very much like what is portrayed to the left in this ridiculous photo shoot.

Then I asked myself, "what theme would I present?" Well it is getting closer to Spring and Easter and both of those times make me think of pastel vibrant colors and Easter egg painting. Then it dawned on me, what if I was an Easter egg and I had to translated into such things as Art, accessories and other creative items? My light bulb got even brighter and it was then that my Treasury was born :

Go out and take a look, you just might be drawn into the whimsy or it may just inspire your own creativity. The pieces I selected are fun and I hope people enjoy them as much as I do.

This was a good way to spend the morning but I need to get back to my new piece I am making:

Ride the Lashes

I still have to finish the charcoal, paint the background and add my motorcycle. I hope everyone is having an eventful or relaxing Sunday. Cheers!

Silly rabbit, I almost forgot, don't forget to check me out like your favorite sinister book in the Library on Facebook :

Oh and I think you know...I like being shared like a dirty whore so spread the word on Rubber Monty. It is the Art company "where Art breathes". 


  1. Ha!Love the lightbulb pics and commentary! Came from etsy 'keep calm' team to follow along-#34


  2. Thank you so much and I am now following you. I love your site. Your pictures are great!
